Student Mobility Network
Building on the success of informal meetings held at the annual NAFSA International Education Conference, the student mobility co-ordinators of each U21 institution decided to formalise their meetings and held their first U21 Student Mobility Annual General Meeting in 2004 hosted by the University of Virginia.
Subsequent meetings have taken place at the University of British Columbia, McGill University, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, University of Queensland, with the most recent meeting being hosted by the University of British Columbia in Canada in May 2011. Reports from past meetings are available below.
The meetings, which are always well attended, provide an important forum for the designated U21 Student Mobility Officers (SMO) to meet and discuss issues of common interest as well as progress the U21 student mobility agenda through collegial interaction and collaborative projects. For communication and correspondence between AGMs, the SMOs use a dedicated U21 student mobility email list. The U21 Student Mobility group is represented by the nominated U21 SMO from each U21 university. The aim of the group is to enhance student mobility within the Universitas 21 framework in accordance with the objectives of the Shanghai Declaration and now the Delhi Accord by:
- Sharing information and best practice
- Promoting collegial interaction
- Collaborating on student mobility projects
- Engaging in professional development.
The group reports to the U21 Managers. There is no official membership, however it is largely made up of the SMO from each member university. It is intended the SMOs will be members of the email distribution list and attend the Student Mobility AGM each year. Each SMO is responsible for communication between the Student Mobility group and members of their university.
The U21 Student Mobility group would be very interested in working with other U21 collaborative groups on student mobility related projects and is always very happy to provide advice on any aspect of student mobility.